CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2019
BRUSSELS I 22 Juy 2019 EU Parliament Approves Ursula von der Leyen as New Commission President On 16 July, the European Parliament voted to appoint former German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen to the role of European Commission President for a period of 5 years from 1 November 2019. Ms von der Leyen will serve as [...]
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 15 July 2019
BRUSSELS I 15 Juy 2019 EU Council Approves 2019 European Semester Recommendations The European Council has published its recommendations for Member States’ economic and fiscal policies arising from the 2019 European Semester Reports policy monitoring process. The European Semester Reports were published in March, which set out the expectation that the European economy will continue [...]
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 8 July 2019
BRUSSELS I 8 July 2019 New EU Council & Parliament Presidents Elected The European Council has approved the nomination of former Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel to the role of European Council President, electing him for the period 1 December 2019 – 31 May 2022. The mandate can be renewed once, extending the period by [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- July 2019
BRUSSELS JULY 2019 1. New EU Parliament, Council and Commission Presidents Elected In July, the European Council approved the nomination of former Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to the role of European Council President. Italian MEP David Sassoli was elected President of the European Parliament. The European Parliament also voted to appoint former German Defence [...]
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 1 July 2019
BRUSSELS I 1 July 2019 EU Tax Dispute Resolution Directive Enters Into Force The Council Directive on tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the European Union entered into force today 1 July. It shall apply to complaints submitted from 1 July 2019 onwards on disputes relating to income or capital concerning the tax year commencing on [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- June 2019
BRUSSELS JUNE 2019 1. OECD Programme on Digital Taxation The OECD has published the work programme on the next steps on taxation of the digital economy. The document sets out the organisation of the OECD work for the next while as well as modified proposals for profit allocation and nexus rules that take into account [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- May 2019
BRUSSELS MAY 2019 1. EU Election Provisional Results The European Parliament has published the provisional results of the EU elections held across the European Union Member states from 23 – 26 May 2019: With the turnout at historic highs, approximately 51% of the registered EU citizens voted, making European democracy the single winner of this [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- April 2019
BRUSSELS APRIL 2019 1. India Opens Consultation on Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments (PEs) On 18 April India’s Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) issued a public consultation (Notice F. No. 500/33/2017-FTD.I) on the proposed amendment of India’s tax rules on permanent establishment (PE) profit attribution. The consultation requests feedback on recommendations by a [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- March 2019
BRUSSELS MARCH 2019 1. OECD Public Consultation on the Taxation Challenges of the Digital Economy As part of the ongoing work of the Inclusive Framework and the Task Force on the Digital Economy, the OECD organised a public consultation on 13-14 March on the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy, with 400 [...]
CFE’s Tax Top10- February 2019
BRUSSELS FEBRUARY 2019 1. Taxation of Amazon Cloud Services in the USA The revenue department of the state of Iowa, in the United States, declared that the supply of Amazon’s Simple Storage Service should be subject to tax, and told the tech giant to collect taxes retroactively as from January 1st 2019. The Declaratory Order, [...]